

“We’ve experienced rapid growth since entering BI with data from IPW”

Steffen Dolleris Hansen, Project Manager QHSE


VIKING Life-Saving Equipment has been on a journey towards data-driven decision making. There is a before and an after. We now have a solid platform for in-depth analysis and strategic planning.

At Viking, we use IPW as our management system. All employees have access, and we use the system to collect documents and document procedures. We also use it to document reports on complaints, audits, and inspections. The data in our IPW system has been the foundation for our intensive work with data analysis in PowerBI in recent years.


Where we previously operated with assumptions, data now provides solid facts. It creates excellent transparency in reports and our quality work generally. In cases where a quick overview of the current situation is needed, we can get an accurate snapshot immediately. We can also monitor the case’s development along the way and over time.


Digital and Cultural Transformation with Business Analytics

The use of BI and daily data access has clearly created an internal expectation for new and reliable information. Currently, we are working on retrieving data every 15 minutes instead of once a day which provides us with an almost real-time view of current events. Another new thing is the Data Warehouse. Here, we receive an additional validation of data and documentation on calculations, providing an even more comprehensive insight.


So yes, transitioning from one analysis tool to another is a steep learning curve but BI generates an incredible amount of value, so the payback period is short. Now we can cut and slice the information as we please. For a company like VIKING, that is absolutely crucial.

In-depth Business Analytics

IPW’s data source for API provides PowerBI with access to advanced analysis, interactive reports, and visualizations.

Access to real-time data

Key figures and analyses close to real-time make it possible to make decisions based on the latest information.

Data integration with Data Warehouse

Centralized data storage, combining data from IPW and external data sources, reduces inconsistencies and provides quick access to validated and cleansed data.

“My advice to others: Get started! BI creates an incredible amount of value, so the payback time is short.”

Steffen Dolleris Hansen, Project Manager QHSE

About Viking Life-Saving Equipment


VIKING Life-Saving Equipment is a global market leader in safety equipment for the maritime and offshore sectors, but also for the firefighting industry. The company has 3,000+ employees spread over 85 own locations, 8 training academies, and 280+ certified service stations worldwide.

Dynamic data analysis with PowerBI

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