
What skills will you need in two years?


IPW Qualifications Management

IPW Qualifications Management highlights competency gaps and brings overlooked resources into play – right in the practical daily routine.

Which skills should we develop in our employees? And what skill requirements should we have when hiring new ones? To answer that – and to meet norm requirements such as ISO demands – it is necessary to have clarity about the current resources.

With IPW Qualifications Management, you get a complete overview of all employees’ employment relationships, professional skills, special qualifications, and certifications.

You also easily keep track of issued items such as keys, lockers, phones, PCs, cars, and safety equipment.

Overall, you have control over three major pillars of a state-of-the-art qualifications management:

  1. Competency requirements in relation to strategy, legal requirements, and standards.
  2. Display of your actual skills. 
  3. Insights into where you need interventions.

Key Functions:

  • IPW Qualifications Management consists of interconnected tables reflecting each individual employee.
  • The tables include information about title, function, addresses, bank, deputy, authorities, courses, education, and issued items.
  • Option to attach relevant documents such as employment contracts.
  • Search function that helps you assemble competent teams around each project, order, and department.
  • Can be integrated into an ERP system to ensure local updating of employee master data.

Clear overview of resources

Gather all the information about each employee’s skills and resources in one place. You have clarity about which employees have the necessary background to handle machines/equipment/processes – and at what level they are approved for these.

Enhanced recruitment that bridges competency gaps

Increase the likelihood of recruiting the right employees by a factor of a large number. You get an invaluable tool to fill competency gaps according to the specific needs you have in individual departments and with each employee.

Strategic approach to qualifications management

Skill requirements are linked with documentation that shows your organization has made decisions to hire and educate so that you have neither overqualified nor underqualified employees. You can delegate responsibility for qualifications management to department managers rather than HR (a positive process for managers and employees).